Fostering is one of the most fulfilling things that you can do! Not only is it saving a life through actual hands on work, but it is great for families wanting to give back and/or teach kids about responsibility and animal care. We are ALWAYS looking for more foster families, and some of the primary type of fosters that we need include:
- Heartworm positive dog fosters
- Kitten fosters
Heartworm positive dogs need to be in a stress free environment in order to receive the safest treatment. We do not treat heartworm positive dogs in the shelter until they have an associated foster. Many times, their treatment has already been sponsored; they just need a stress free home in a calm environment in order to safely receive treatment.
Kittens are another genre in which we continually need fosters, especially in Spring and Summer. We have kittens who just need a few weeks in a home to hit the proper weight for a spay/neuter and adoption, and we receive bottle baby kittens that require around the clock care. Don’t worry! If you have never fostered before, we make sure to give you “easy” kitten cases. Kitten’s immune systems are so weak at their age that they are even more susceptible to viruses and diseases in a shelter environment. Therefore, it is extremely important to have these guys in a foster home until they receive their vaccinations and boosters and are big enough for adoption. For more details, check out the HSNBA Foster Handbook!